Brenda Stevens


I’ve been an artist all my life. The big gift of Art is learning to look closely, feel deeply, and be curious. I love nature and I love watercolor. Truly, the sacred is in the ordinary, found in one’s daily life, in one’s own backyard. Nature inspires me to put color on paper, to interpret what I see, and to share it with others.

I would describe myself as a purist. I use a limited palette of primary colors, preserve the white of my paper, without masking, and avoid using white paint. Winsor & Newton paint is my brand of choice and Arches 140lb cold pressed paper is what I usually reach for. However, I’ve recently experimented with Yupo paper, stone paper, and Aqua Bord, and I like them all.

Memberships: Columbus Artists’ Guild, Gallery on 10th, Pine Mountain Art Alliance, and the National League of American Pen Women.


Yvette Abrahamson